Leading a youth group?
Need an activity to get started this year?
Want to wrap-up a successful year?
Tell your Youth Group to "GET LOST!"
Watch the video below for more info!
Mazes are the metaphor for life
Picture your youth group working together, laughing and exploring, then ending the evening around the campfire. Mazes are a metaphor for life. Getting lost, being found, choosing the right path – it’s a rich environment for communicating your message. Need a few ideas? We know it’s a challenge to sync schedules, so we’re easy to work with. Try Flashlight Nights, it’s the most popular youth group time.
You face a lot of challenges leading youth today, not the least of which is “leveling the field”. Kids grow up with such different backgrounds, friends, pressures, families, and schools. It can be hard to get them to see that they are all on the same journey. It can be hard to “level the field.”
That’s where Maize Quest can help. We level the field with our Maize Quest CORN MAZE. You see the maze doesn’t care if you are black or white, rich or poor, cool or square, nerd or jock. The maze is simply a bigger problem than any one person can solve; everyone needs help.
The choice becomes clear: work together and escape, or go it alone and get frustrated. At every intersection you make decisions, and every decision has consequences. Sound familiar? That’s why mazes have been around for thousands of years. Mazes are an ancient metaphor for life. Chances are your group won’t see the lesson coming, until you discuss it with them around the campfire.